Caring for what God created

Written on 05/08/2020
Ministerio el Renuevo

Written on 4/18/2020.

From the Lord are the earth and its fullness! From the Lord is the world and its inhabitants! (Psalm 24:1) Consciousness and even nature itself demonstrate the existence of a superior being. Christians believe that God the Father, the Creator and sustainer, created the world. This truth is revealed and known through the Bible. God created all things out of nothing. And he put us as administrators of his creation. He gave us that task for a certain time; I mean, while we live here. He also gave us access to eternal life with him through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for us. As children of God, through faith in Christ, we can take care and watch over everything in this world, serving others and loving God with favor. PRAYER: Father, we thank you for everything you give us. Please allow us to be good stewards of the heritage you gave us. We ask that you remain firm and faithful to us. For your grace and love. Amen.